The M.O.V.E programme, from the Entham Trust, is an integrated, multi-agency approach for children and adults with physical disabilities and/or complex needs. Education, Health and Social Care practitioners work together, using this highly effective programme, to provide a framework which enables people to develop physical, cognitive and communication skills that are designed to improve their independence, social inclusion and quality of life.
Some ways that the M.O.V.E. programme can offer support are:
- Eating in social environments by being able to transfer on and off a chair
- Assisting getting in and out of bed
- Develop weight bearing in order to assist with toileting
- Assisting getting in and out of transport
- Assisting getting up and down from the floor
- Developing mobility skills
By supporting these, and other, skills and activities there is a corresponding increase in well-being and independence.
At Ifield School all staff receive M.O.V.E awareness training and several members of staff are trained as M.O.V.E practitioners. Practitioners work with class teams to develop individual M.O.V.E programmes from early years to post-16. Practitioners also support and promote the use of M.O.V.E throughout the school and sixth form.
M.O.V.E targets are reviewed termly and shared with parents at transition meetings, ECHP review meetings and other multi-agency meetings. Ifield School is committed to this initiative which encourages pupils and students to assume more control over their physical movements and enhances their self-esteem and quality of life.
Further information about the M.O.V.E programme can be found at and