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Week 3 beginning 15.06.20 PE Owl Class

As we are not able to hold Sports Day this Term we decided each week we could practise technique and then perform each activity.

Running for Speed:

Aim: understand the difference between a sprint and a normal run. Understand why breathing and heart rate are affected by running fast.

Equipment: stop watch, markers, camera/phone/tablet

W/up: You will need to go outside for this activity. Set up markers about 10m apart. Start slow and pick up speed and do 10 shuttle runs (there and back is 1 run). Slow to fast. What stretches should you do for running? It may be similar to jumping as you are mainly using your legs.


What is going to make a fast runner?

Measure out 50m, if you don’t have a tape measure then take 50 giant steps. If you don’t have room increase your shuttle run distance to 15 or 20m.

You will need to work out how many shuttles you need to do to make your run 100m.

Time yourself doing 100m.

 Look at the website below for running technique and see if you can emulate. Break down into head, arms, body, legs. Make sure you you’re your arms and legs as fast as you can and push off your feet on each stride. Practise doing short runs using this technique, get a family member to film you and watch yourself back and see if you can make any improvements. Once you have done this time yourself again.

Watch others technique and see if you can help them to improve.

Measure heart rate and breathing after each run – why does it increase? What is happening inside the body? Should you hold your breath whilst running a short distance? What is the difference between a sprint and a fast run?

Look at starts, how can you be quicker. Look at finishing fast and running through the line.

You can record your time for 100m and send it to the school email address for Mr Gardner so your time can be collated.

Cool Down:


Have fun exploring your sprinting technique.

  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet