Please find below home learning resources:
Cherry Class Home Learning 22.02.21 Topic: Rio de Vida |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Literacy |
Literacy |
History/RE |
Art |
Literacy |
Maths |
Science |
Maths |
Music and Dance |
Maths |
Food Technology |
PE Enrichment |
PE |
Life Skills |
Choose the work that is appropriate for the ability of your child.
Monday |
Phonics Phase 1: Explore the different sounds that you can make with your voice and body. There is a sheet of ideas on Ifield Website. Play a game of ‘copy me’.
Phase 3: Letters and Sounds ‘oo’ short oo sounds eg book, look
Print page 3 of the short ‘oo’ sound activity sheet and complete.
Phase 5 We are going to review some of the phonemes we have learnt and practise blending and segmenting
Literacy LO: To read a letter from a friend
Starter Watch short video about a letter from Paddington. The Adventures of Paddington l Paddington and The Stamp l Nick Jr. UK
In that video Paddington was writing a letter to Aunt Lucy in Peru. He has also sent a letter to Hazel Class from his holiday home in Brazil !!
Higher and Middle Ability: Encourage the pupils to read the letter and talk about it and the photographs. Adults to write down comments from the children on a large sheet of paper (mind map). Have a CiP sheet with relevant words available to prompt conversations.
Lower Ability: Intensive Interaction – adult copies some of the sounds and actions that the child makes in their play. This is done in turns as we do in a conversation. After a while you may notice your child becoming aware of their surroundings and your actions. They may even give fleeting eye contact. Our pupils enjoy this type of interactive play
Maths LO: To explore where numbers are placed on number lines
Starter Practise counting to 20 forwards and backwards.
Activity Higher Ability – introduce 100 square. Talk about positioning of numerals. Practise counting to and across 100 forwards and backwards from any given number. Identify 10’s colour them one colour. Find the 5’s colour the squares a different colour.
Middle Ability – complete the missing numbers on the number line independently Lower Ability – explore numerals in gloop
Food Technology LO: To make marmalade sandwiches
Starter Watch video of Paddington making marmalade:
Discuss how we make sandwiches – shared writing adult to scribe children’s ideas for step by step instructions.
Activity Make marmalade sandwiches for a classroom picnic with Paddington.
Challenge Write your own instructions for making a sandwich
Tuesday |
Phonics Phase 1: Drum outdoors Give your child a beater or drumstick. Encourage them to explore the outdoor area and discover how different sounds are made by tapping or stroking with their beaters eg against the floor, fence and different types of surfaces.
Phase 3: Play Phonicopoly ‘oo’ sounds
Phase 5: Learn some longer words.
LO: To identify the features of a letter
Starter lets look closer at the different parts of a letter. Identify where the address is placed etc. Adult to model labelling the different parts of the letter.
Activity Pupils to label their own copy of the letter.
Higher Ability – write the labels (word bank available for spellings) Middle Ability – use CiP symbols to label a letter Lower Ability – Write Dance
Science LO: To change materials, talk about and record what has happened.
Activity Read through Materials Information Power Point [Twinkl]
Discuss the properties of a material you have at home eg metal coins. Encourage your child to predict what will happen when the coins are put in different solutions – will they change? If so how? You could have a saucer of water, saucer of milk, saucer of vinegar, saucer of ketchup. Put a coin in each and watch what happens to the metal – does it change? Discuss and record the results. Reflect upon their predictions. Were they right?
You could try heating and freezing wax crayons predict what will happen. Discuss and record the results.
PE Enrichment Our activity this term is going to Ifield Woodlands. Put on some sturdy boots or wellies and go for a walk - even if it’s raining – find some puddles to jump in! Have some fun. Encourage your child to take some photographs (developing their ICT skills). |
Wednesday |
RE LO: To find out about Christian season of Lent
Starter Read Lent Assembly Power point [Twinkl] and discuss the season and what it means to Christians. Discussion - if you were a Christian, what do you enjoy that you would give up for Lent?
Activity Higher and Middle Ability Complete KS1 Lent worksheet [Twinkl]
Lower Ability Make and eat pancakes!
Maths LO: To identify more and less
Starter Recap on yesterday’s work. Extend the number line work by using it for counting (using bounce lines) forwards and backwards. Today we are going to learn about one more and one less using numbers.
Activity Higher Ability – can identify one more and one less using a 100 square. Middle Ability – practise counting one more from a given number on a number line Lower Ability – practise number rhymes with numerals and objects eg 5 little specked frogs
PE Watch and join in Joe Wicks PE Monday 8th February.
Thursday |
Art LO: To create a work of art in pastel inspired by Rousseau
Starter Look at the work of art by Henri Rousseau: Tropical storm with tiger.
Use a sheet of CiP symbols to discuss the work of art eg likes, dislikes (and why), colours, shapes, brush strokes etc.
Activity Play video whilst pupils are recreating their own work of art
Dance/Mile Walk L.O. To enjoy some exercise and or fresh air Dance Party! Dance songs for kids – Actions Song – Bounce Patrol
Music L.O. To enjoy music with Mrs Stevens Mrs Stevens has made some videos which follow the usual music lesson routine. Please click on the link for Hazel Class:
PSHE LO: To make a calm kit
Starter In our PSHE lessons we have been focusing on our feelings, using the zones of regulation. We have looked at using the zones of regulation colours to help us to identify how we are feeling and strategies that we can use to help us.
Today we are going to look at strategies that can help us keep calm. Talk to your neighbour or an adult about different things we could do if we are feeling, angry (red zone), sad (blue zone) or worried (yellow zone). Come back together as a grop and share our ideas/strategies – adult to scribe.
Activity We are going to use some of these ideas to make a calm kit/box. It might contain photographs that make us smile, things that we can twiddle in our fingers, happy statements we can read, pictures of our family and pets (drawn). Split into groups and make a calm kit.
Friday |
Lower ability watch and join in a Phase 1 Letters and Sounds video
middle ability – Phase 3 Practise our phonics, reading and spelling through fun games on
higher ability – Phase 5 Practise our phonics, reading and spelling through fun games on
Literacy To write a letter back to Paddington
Starter We have been looking at Paddington’s letter inviting us to go to Brazil. Let’s work together to draft a response. Shared writing of a letter.
Activity Pupils to write their own letter to Paddington, using the shared writing letter for reference.
Higher Ability – write as independently as possible Middle Ability – dictate to adult what they would write in their letter Lower Abiility – explore mark making with different sized crayons (mixture of large and small, thick and thin) on large pieces of paper.
Maths LO: To use our knowledge of numbers to play a game
Activity Play a game at home with numbers and counting eg Ludo, Connect four, Snakes and ladders
Lower Ability: Watch and join in with some counting songs. Top 10 counting songs l learn to count l Super Simple Songs
Life skills LO: To learn how to set and clear a table
Starter Watch – Be our Guest video
Activity Group 1: Pupils practise setting and clearing the table. Counting how many people for lunch and finding the correct number of items.
Group 2: sequencing a schedule of how to set and clear a table.
Lower Ability: Make own place mat by drawing around plate and cutlery with support. |