Please find below home learning resources:
Sycamore Online Learning w/c 8th February 2021
Life skills – sequence the pictures to show how to make a cup of coffee and match the typed sentences to the pictures. Make a cup of coffee with adult support.
Easy – find different objects around the house and count them.
Medium – work out the subtraction sums using the worksheets.
Hard – work out the arrays and the multiplication sums using the pictures to find the answers.
Reading – read a favourite book or listen to an adult read the book to you.
English – watch the story of The Tin Forest using the link The Tin Forest by Helen Ward & Wayne Anderson - YouTube
Easy – find different objects around the house and count them.
Medium – work out the subtraction sums using the worksheets.
Hard – work out the arrays and the multiplication sums using the pictures to find the answers.
Geography – make a plan of your bedroom or another room in the house. Complete the labelling of the bedroom worksheet.
Cooking – make the chocolate biscuits using the recipe.
English – watch the story of the Tin Forest again using the YouTube link above.
Easy – colour the picture of the toucan.
Medium – draw a toucan and label the different parts of the toucan e.g. feet etc.
Hard – write 5 sentences to say what the book is about.
Easy – find different objects around the house and count them.
Medium – work out the subtraction sums using the worksheets.
Hard – work out the arrays and the multiplication sums using the pictures to find the answers.
Science – find different objects in your house and then test them to see if you can see a torch light shining through them. Then say whether they are opaque, transparent or translucent. Opaque is not see-through so you won’t be able to see the torch light, transparent is see-through like a window pane and translucent means partly see-through.
Art – look at the Art PowerPoint about Valentines Day and the story of St Valentine.
- Make a Kandinsky inspired heart picture.
Easy – cut out the pictures and say what each picture shows. Then over-write the name of the animal.
Medium – tell an adult a sentence about each picture and write it down on the lines (English Thursday pages 1 and 2).
Hard – write a sentence to describe each animal in the pictures (English Thursday pages 1 and 2).
Easy – find different objects around the house and count them.
Medium – work out the subtraction sums using the worksheets.
Hard – work out the arrays and the multiplication sums using the pictures to find the answers.
Science – draw round your shadow outside. Complete the worksheet to match the shadow objects to the real object.
DT – Make a crocodile from egg boxes.
Easy – write labels to label the toucan e.g. feet, beak etc.
Medium – write 2 sentences to describe the toucan.
Hard – write 5 sentences to describe the toucan.
RE – look at the Valentine’s Day PowerPoint from Wednesday. Read through and discuss what things people buy for Valentine’s Day. Make a Valentine’s Day card for someone.
DT – look at the DT PowerPoint for Friday. Make a heart wreath using the instructions.
Have a lovely Half Term and keep up the home learning.