Please find below home learning resources:
Above is the timetable that we follow in Beech Class. Please follow it where it is possible and phone me if you need any support. Please find resources within the folders and choose what is suitable for your individual child.
Self-directed time: Your child leads their learning through resources that you have put out in the environment for them. You observe and support your child to develop their skills.
PE Enrichment: This term we are participating in cycling and yoga. You can access yoga videos to support with this – Cosmic Kids Yoga
Reading – Please hear/read to your child every day. Also allow opportunities for questions, such as:
(simple) Where is the dog? What colour is it?
(More challenging) What do you think is going to happen? What would you do? How are they feeling?
To identify the past.
Noah and the Ark to be developed over a few weeks.
What is the title called? What do you think might happen? What makes you think that? Encourage the use of illustrations for clues.
Listening to the story and sequencing. What is happening first? How do they feel? What is happening next?
Use Colourful Semantics – Hand over hand supporting sequencing of the story.
Monday - Creating ‘what am I?’ guessing interactive game with clues.
What is our topic this term? Discuss that our topic is ‘What’s that Sound?’ What can you see so far on our display board? What animals can you see?
Discuss how we are going to create a game together as a team. Show the children an example PowerPoint of the game ‘What am I?’. Do you think we could write our own ones?
Wednesday - PowerPoint game of hearing a sound. Select corresponding animal. What’s that Sound? What sound can you hear? What do you think it is? What does it sound like? Matching what they hear to symbol.
Investigation - Have boxes with a different item in every box. Child to make a guess of what they think is inside.
Thursday - What’s in the box? (Animals – Link to Noah and the Ark) It makes the sound _______. What is it?