Priority One: Quality of Education – Raising standards and transforming lives
1.1 To use best practice research, for example Rosenshine and EEF to strengthen independence and resilience across all four pathways.
1.2 To continue to develop the learning environment, so that it matches “the learning environment visions” that have been agreed.
1.3 For students to be well prepared for adulthood by acquiring accreditations that are relevant and meaningful, in order to successfully transition into the next stage of their lives.
1.4 To provide well planned opportunities for pupils to develop the functions of language, so they can effectively communicate their needs in a variety ways.
Priority Two: Behaviours and Attitudes – Enhancing positive relationships and high expectations
2.1 To embed consistent proactive, personalised strategies and approaches to ensure all pupils are regulated and engaged, so that they able are to access their learning in both school and whilst offsite in the community.
Priority Three: Personal Development – Empowering confidence and independence for life
3.1 To continue to ensure young people are fully prepared for adulthood through opportunities to develop independence through a sequenced curriculum from year 9, with investment from all stakeholders.
3.2 To continue to ensure that our pupils are accessing a stage and age appropriate curriculum to further support their advocacy and safety.
Priority Four: Leadership and Management – Inspiring everyone to learn more, do more and become more
4.1 To provide a comprehensive continuing professional development programme that has a positive impact on pupils’ outcomes.
4.2 To review the leadership structure to provide further opportunities through distributed leadership, which includes middle leaders taking ownership of whole school projects.
4.3 To work collaboratively with other provisions and local clusters to share best practice promoting the inclusion of all children in Gravesham and beyond.
Priority Five: Early Years – Building solid foundations to shape futures
5.1 To refine the transition process so that pupils and parents are prepared and confident about their journey into Ifield.
Priority Six: Sixth Form – Ensuring aspirational goals to open doors
6.1 To ensure that the Sixth Form building and outside areas are fully accessible and appropriate to meet the needs and abilities of all students.