Priority One: Quality of Education – Raising standards and transforming lives
1.1 To corroborate the rich, creative and ambitious curriculum that is well planned and sequenced, so that pupils continue to build on their learning and acquire new skills and knowledge in order to become independent learners.
1.2 To sustain high quality teaching and learning across all pathways that is underpinned by high levels of expertise and personalised approaches to maximise learning for all pupils.
1.3 To further develop teaching staff methodology linked to curriculum pathways and assessment for learning, so that pupils make good or better progress.
1.4 To continue to reinforce explicit and systematic approaches to ensure pupils within all pathways have access to reading that is closely matched to their learning needs.
Priority Two: Behaviours and Attitudes – Enhancing positive relationships and high expectations
2.1 To further enhance pupils' ability to build positive attitudes by supporting them proactively to develop co and self-regulation and effective communication strategies.
2.2 To embed opportunities with the wider school community to support, enhance and empower pupils' development through consistent approaches to life and learning.
2.3 To continue to work collaboratively with the wider school community and multi-agency professionals to raise pupil engagement and attendance.
Priority Three: Personal Development – Empowering confidence and independence for life
3.1 To further develop pupils’ ability and confidence in communication to enable them to meaningfully advocate for themselves and enhance their understanding of their rights and responsibilities in school and in the wider community.
3.2 To prepare pupils for life beyond school by providing appropriate high level careers education, through an enriched curriculum, so that they develop greater independence and gain transferrable skills.
3.3 To extend opportunities for pupils to develop their ability to fulfil responsibilities and take lead roles within the school and wider community.
Priority Four: Leadership and Management – Inspiring everyone to learn more, do more and become more
4.1 To ensure all elements of leadership and management remains highly effective, so that the school continues to provide a world-class, inclusive education for all pupils.
4.2 To further develop leadership capacity through distributed leadership opportunities and high-quality professional development, including leaders taking responsibility for their own continued professional development, engaging critically with educational research and other partnerships.
4.3 Ensure careful and effective implementation of improvement strategies that are sustainable with clear accountability so that staff wellbeing is maintained.
4.4. The Governing Body continues to ensure that safeguarding, high-quality education and financial sustainability remains its key priorities.
Priority Five: Early Years – Building solid foundations to shape futures
5.1 To embed an ambitious curriculum that is well planned, sequenced and personalised, demonstrating sound knowledge of the whole child.
5.2 To enhance staff knowledge and practise so that they are upskilled and confident to create purposeful and meaningful play opportunities that scaffolds pupils’ development.
5.3 To continue to enhance the collaborative and inclusive partnership within the nurseries based at King’s Farm Primary School.
Priority Six: Sixth Form – Ensuring aspirational goals to open doors
6.1 To continue to ensure that accreditation pathways are clearly planned, and students are enabled to achieve accreditation appropriate to their individual needs.
6.2 To further develop students' life skills and careers learning to enable them to be well prepared for the transition into adulthood throughout Sixth Form.
6.3 To ensure that each learning pathway is effectively resourced in order to provide students with appropriate and meaningful learning experiences and access within the community.
6.4 To strengthen collaboration with North Kent College and the Local Authority to ensure long term sustainability of our provision.