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  • 23/03/17

    Pocahontas 400 Year Celebration

    The Cedar Federation were invited to be part of the Gravesham celebrations to mark 400 years of the burial of Pocahontas in Gravesend. Students from both Ifield and King's Farm took part in a joint theatrical workshop on Pocahontas which engaged the students and was also very educational. We wer...
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  • 24/02/17

    Chinese New Year Celebrations

    On Friday 27th January the Primary Department celebrated the Chinese New Year in a whole day Curriculum event. The pupils were taught about the traditions and celebrations of the Chinese New Year through a range of different and exciting activities and tasks. In Cedar, Ash and Rowan classes activ...
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  • 23/02/17

    Safer Internet Day 2017

    To mark Safer Internet Day 2017 the students at Ifield School took part in a range of activities related to staying safe online between 6th and 10th of February. Primary pupils discussed the choices they have when things go wrong online with the help of Smartie the Penguin, while seco...
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  • 02/02/17

    Valentines Disco

    The Parents, Teacher and Friends Association (PTFA) arranged a wonderful Valentine’s Disco on Friday 3rd February. A small group of committed parents gave up their time and skills to ensure that the evening was a huge success providing a gift-wrapped teddy bear and bottle of Prosecco as a raff...
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  • 19/01/17

    Planetarium Roadshow Visit

    This term classes in KS3 have been studying space and the planets in Science and the fiction text The Northern Lights by Philip Pullman in Literacy. Work on this theme  will continue into Term 4 with classes using non-fiction texts to research the phenomenon of the Northern Lights. To underpin...
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  • 06/01/17

    Challenger Troop

    After a very successful 12 week Challenger Troop course we recently attended the awards ceremony at Leros, Canterbury. Our students yet again were excellent and picked up a host of awards.  Adam Henderson and Thomas Brown picked up  two Certificates each including a young navigators awa...
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  • 06/01/17

    Choir Christmas TourĀ 

    Members of the Choir sang at a variety of venues this Christmas including Bluewater,Gravesend Town Centre and Yew Tree Lodge Nursing home.  Bluewater was a particular favourite as Kings Farm joined us in our first public performance as ‘The Cedar Federation’.  Thank you to al...
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  • 23/11/16

    Battle of Britain Visit

    In November Woodpecker and Robin classes visited The Battle of Britain Memorial in Folkestone. The Christopher Foxley-Norris Memorial Wall is engraved with the names of all those who were awarded the Battle of Britain Clasp following the aerial battle that took place between July and Octo...
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  • 01/01/16


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  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet