Monday 27th April Life skills – put the dirty washing in the washing machine. Make your bed.
Maths – sorting shapes according to curved or straight sides (Monday maths worksheet).
Reading – read a favourite book or listen to an adult read a book to you.
Cooking – make daffodil biscuits.
Tuesday 28th April Maths – matching shapes description (Tuesday maths worksheet).
English – look at the front cover of the book Ice Boy. Discuss what you can see. What sort of thing is Ice Boy? Use junk modelling like boxes, tin cans, toilet rolls etc OR play dough and make an Ice Boy model.
Reading – read a favourite book or listen to an adult read a book to you.
Wednesday 29th April Maths – go on a shape hunt around your house. Say what shapes you can see. Then do the counting sides of shapes worksheet (Wednesday maths worksheet).
English – listen to the story of Ice Boy using the link.
Reading – read a favourite book or listen to an adult read a book to you.
Geography – look at the PowerPoint about Rivers and Seas in the UK. Label the worksheet of rivers and seas in the UK.
Thursday 30th April Maths – properties of shapes worksheet (Thursday maths worksheet).
English – listen to the story of Ice Boy again using the link.
Sequence the story of Ice Boy by choosing the worksheet that is appropriate for your child (lesson 3).
Science – get a variety of different objects and say whether they are made naturally or are man-made. Print out the Natural or Man Made sorting PowerPoint and sort the pictures according to whether they are natural or man-made.
Reading – read a book to an adult to listen to an adult read a book to you
Friday 1st May English – listen to the story of Ice Boy again using the link. Do the worksheet that is appropriate for your child on the water cycle (lesson 4).
Reading – read a book to an adult to listen to an adult read a book to you.
Art – make a rainforest scene in a cardboard box.