Maple Class- home Learning 22.2.21
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
English |
English |
Music |
Pe |
Maths |
Art |
PE enrichment |
Life skills |
DT |
Food tech/DT |
New topic this term - Rio de vida
Choose the work that is appropriate for the ability of your child.
Take photos of your home learning please
Any sheets you complete- make sure you write the date on them and put your name on the back and bring them into school to show us your amazing work 😊
Monday |
Phonics Phase 1: Today sing if you’re happy and you know it- sing and clap along, row, row, row the boat- sitting on the floor doing the actions. Then head, shoulders, knees and toes and doing the actions.
Phase 2: Look at the sound e at the start of words and in the middle of words 1 letter that makes one sound
Model this with the word egg and peg
Can they read these words peg hen ten den leg red web Resource : peg hen ten den leg red web
Phase 3: looking at vowel digraphs. Vowels are the letters a e i o and u We can use these when we sign too but touching our fingers one at a time from the thumb.
Today we are going to look at the ai sound 2 letters that together make one sound so not a i separate but aaaaaa
Let’s read some of these words together rain, train, drain, grain, brain
Resource- rain, train, drain, grain, brain
Literacy- reading
LO: To read familiar words (a letter from a friend)
Starter Watch short video about a letter from Paddington. The Adventures of Paddington l Paddington and The Stamp l Nick Jr. UK
In that video Paddington was writing a letter to Aunt Lucy in Peru. He has also sent a letter to Maple Class from his holiday home in Brazil !!
Look at a copy of the letter and photographs. Try to read the letter and talk about it and the photographs. Adults to write down comments from their child on a sheet of paper (mind map).
Also practice reading HFW’s – first 20
Resources: letter and photographs and HFW list
Challenge Have a look on Google maps or a paper world map. Can you find Brazil? Which continent is it on?
Key Questions What is a letter? Why do we write them? How else can we send messages to other people.
PE We have been really enjoying singing and dancing along to this in class. Continue singing and dancing along with ‘The singing walrus greatest hits’
PSHE LO: To make a calm kit Starter In our PSHE lessons we have been focusing on our feelings, using the zones of regulation. We have looked at using the zones of regulation colours to help us to identify how we are feeling and strategies that we can use to help us.
Today we are going to look at strategies that can help us keep calm. Talk an adult about different things we could do if we are feeling, angry (red zone), sad (blue zone) or worried (yellow zone).– adult to scribe.
Activity We are going to use some of these ideas to make a calm kit/box. It might contain photographs that make us smile, things that we can twiddle in our fingers, happy statements we can read, pictures of our family and pets (drawn). Split into groups and make a calm kit. Challenge Identify a strategy that works well to help you calm. Share it with your family. Is it the same as your relatives or friends – remember there are no right or wrong answers. |
Tuesday |
Phonics Phase 1: repeat -Today sing if you’re happy and you know it- sing and clap along, row, row, row the boat- sitting on the floor doing the actions. Then head, shoulders, knees and toes and doing the actions.
Phase 2: Reading and matching the e words to the pictures. Resources : e words and pictures to match
Phase 3: Then today we are still looking at the ai sound who can remember how to say it? Let’s match the word to the picture rain, train, drain, grain, brain Resources – ai word and picture matching
Literacy LO: To identify the features of a letter. Starter Relook at Paddington’s letter. Let’s read it together. Ok let’s look closer at the different parts of a letter. Identify where the address is placed etc. Adult to model labelling the different parts of the letter using the check list to cut up and use.
Activity Label their own copy of the letter. Write the labels then practice writing an address - how is it set out. Resources: check list to use as labels for letter
LO: To write a letter back to Paddington Starter We have been looking at Paddington’s letter inviting us to go to Brazil. Let’s work together to draft a response. Shared writing of a letter with an adult.
Activity Pupil to write their own letter to Paddington, using the shared writing letter for reference.
Dictate to adult what they would write in their letter- writing some words independently- starting with initial sounds.
Challenge Can you write an email to Paddington? Check and identify differences.
LO: To explore where numbers are placed on number lines. Starter Practise counting to 20 forwards and backwards in 1s and 2s.
Introduce a number line. Ask pupils to identify numerals at random. Ask more challenging questions – find the number next to 5. Find the number in between 2 and 4.
Activity Have a large number line to 100 Have individual number lines to 100 Complete the missing numbers on the number line independently.
Resources: number line to 100 and number line with missing numbers.
PE Enrichment
Watch and join in an exercise video on You Tube
· Joe Wickes -
· Cosmic Yoga -
Wednesday |
Music See separate music lesson
Maths – place value LO: To identify more and less
Starter Recap on yesterday’s work. Extend the number line work by using it for counting forwards and backwards. Today we are going to learn about one more and one less using numbers.
Activity Practise counting one more from a given number on a number line.
Practise counting one less from a given number on a number line.
Begin with 0-10 then 0-20 then above
Challenge Identify 5 more and 5 less using 100 square.
Resources: number line.
Life skills LO: To learn how to set and clear a table Activity Pupils practise setting and clearing the table. Counting how many people for lunch and finding the correct number of items. Sequencing a schedule of how to set and clear a table and wash up. (cip)
Challenge To act as a waiter and write down the list of food requested by the customers. Resource: cip sequencing for a table setting.
Thursday |
RE LO: To find out about Christian season of Lent Starter Read Lent Assembly Power point [Twinkl] and discuss the season and what it means to Christians. Discussion - if you were a Christian, what do you enjoy that you would give up for Lent?
Activity Complete KS1 Lent worksheet – cip to help with ideas and real objects.
Resources: power point and Lent worksheet, CIP ideas and real objects.
Challenge Write a couple of sentences about what happened to Jesus in the desert.
Key Questions People of which religion observe Lent? Why do people go without nice things during Lent?
LO: To create a dance linked to our new topic Rio.
Listen to some music from Brazil and practice some of the dance moves.
Friday |
Phonics Interactive games on the Letters and Sounds website Phase 1,2,3 Choose a favourite game linked to your phase
Science LO: To change materials, talk about and record what has happened. Starter Read through Materials Information Power Point [Twinkl]
Discuss the properties of wool. Thin fibres that can be pulled apart. Soft/hard, dry/wet etc use of CIP symbols. Ask the children to predict what they think will happen to the wool when it is put in water. Record their thoughts individually.
Pupil to put some wool into a flat tray filled with a little water. Watch/discuss what happens. Encourage the pupils to agitate the wool (apply friction). The wool fibre will matt together and turn into felt. Discuss how the material has changed properties. Is it still soft and made of loose fibres?
Return to your child’s predictions. Were they correct?
Resources: Materials Information Power Point [Twinkl] piece of wool knitted
Art LO: To create a work of art in pastel inspired by Rousseau ( To find out about different artists) Look at the work of art by Henri Rousseau: Tropical storm with tiger.
Discuss the work of art eg likes, dislikes (and why), colours, shapes, brush strokes etc.
Activity Play video whilst pupils are recreating their own work of art
Challenge To use a computer or laptop to research other works of art by Henri Rousseau.
Food tech Pick a new vegetable or fruit to peel, cut and try with your adult Help an adult make a tasty, healthy meal for the whole family.
LO: To make marmalade sandwiches.
Starter Watch video of Paddington making marmalade: Discuss how we make sandwiches – shared writing adult to scribe children’s ideas for step by step instructions.
Activity Make marmalade sandwiches for a house picnic with Paddington.
Challenge Write your own instructions for making a sandwich.