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Please find below home learning resources:


 Home Learning for Ash Class, WC: 22 .02. 21 Term 4 Week 1

Please choose activities appropriate for your child to carry out over the week

Please find attached supportive resources and activities to complete.

Please ensure pupils engage with reading or listening to a story each day and mark making or writing activities.







Morning Activities.




Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program. (shake your sillies out on you tube)


LO: To develop writing skills.


Pupils to continue to develop writing skills, Using resources from Term 3 week 6.


Activity 1

Alphabet handwriting resource


Activity 2

Practise letter formation and writing cvc words using letter families and cvc word resource. Extend pupils by encouraging pupils to sound letters using phonic knowledge and try to blend sounds together to read cvc words.


Activity 3

Pupils to use pencil control workbook to develop fine motor skills and writing pattern formation. Pupils to try and copy a writing pattern.


Pupils can also continue to develop fine motor skills using attached fine motor skills cards for this week and use these over the course of the week

Please take photos of pupils learning and give feedback of engagement and interaction


Afternoon Activities

LO: To explore and identify animals that live on the farm.

This term our topic is called do cows drink milk? we will be looking at a range of activities over the term about animals, farms and plants. Today we will be looking at animals on a farm.

What animals do you think live on the farm? Pupils to talk about experiences of the farm, look at farm animals’ toys, soft toys if they have them at home and identify them.

What animals do you think live on a farm?

Activity 1: Pupils to engage in using the farm animal stick puppets and engage in old McDonalds farm song, pupils to choose and animal and sing/ engage along to establish knowledge of animals that live on the arm.

Activity 2: Pupils to create their own farm scene using attached cut and stick farm resource. Think about where the animals might stay on the farm? What are the animals?

Activity 3: Art and craft animals attached resources for sheep and pig. pupils to start to create their own farm animals to develop their own-farm scene at home, this can be built on over the weeks to form a project to make own farm.



Morning Activities

Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program. (shake your sillies out on you tube)


Continue with topic work.


LO: To be able to recognise differences between groups of animals


Recap yesterday, what did we start to talk about? What did we make? What animals live on a farm. Pupils to create and form list of things they might see on the farm.


Activity 1: Pupils to use the farm writing border and attached symbols to cut out and sort whether they live on the farm or not, can pupils identify which animals live on the farm? Pupils to cut out and stick symbols down and develop their own farm lists of things they would see at the farm. Pupils to use farm word mat to prompt sorting and look at all the things they might see at the farm.


Activity 2: Pupils to use the early writing farm resources to look at the pictures and write/ trace labels to identify each picture. Pupils can also be extended to try and form a simple sentence to correspond to each picture, thinking about how to form a sentence.


Activity 3; Pupils to use colouring farm animals’ pages or continue to develop their own farm





Afternoon Activities.

PE Enrichment


Pupils to engage in cosmic kids’ yoga on You tube.





Morning Activities

Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how’s the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program.

Writing and Reading

Pupils can continue using some of the phonics activities visited and practise forming their letters, CVC words or a simple sentence. Pupils can trace letters and words if needed. Pupils can also practise writing their name.

Pupils can engage in practising their reading and books skills. To engage in a story talk about what happened? Or what think might happen? Identify key items in the text. Encourage pupils to answer questions about the text. Pupils to explore texts looking at pictures, holding correct way and turning pages. Pupils to sit and listen with engagement to a story of choice.




Afternoon Activities


Pupils to engage in attached PE plan.


Pupils can also access cosmic kid’s yoga on you tube.



Morning Activities

Registration: Sing the good morning songs using signs encouraging them to join in; Sing hello song and then look at days of the week and how’s the weather. Follow on with ’Wake and shake’ exercise program



Continue with letter and word formation, asses phonic knowledge using flash cards.


Please pick an appropriate activity. Continue with activities using term 3 week 1 resources.


Pupils to engage in phonics learning introduce phonics by using the alphabet phonics 2 song on YouTube and use the CVC blending songs.


Activity 1

Pupils to continue to develop phonic knowledge by looking at phase 2, phase 3 or phase 5 flash cards.

Activity 2

Pupils to develop word building and spelling by using the CVC cut and paste work sheet. Use phonic knowledge to build words, what sounds can you hear to make the word. For pupils accessing phase 2 and 3 phonics.

Activity 3

Pupils to develop phase 5 phonics where appropriate by looking at the ay sound, use ay spelling activity and ay word search to develop knowledge of words using the ay sound. What objects can you find at home that use this sound.






Afternoon Activities


LO: To develop knowledge of shape and their properties


Activity 1

Pupils to engage in 2D sorting shape game attached in resources. Pupils to look at objects and identify the shapes of each object within the environment 2D. Pupils to identify each shape and start to think about properties count sides. Pupils to try and have go at drawing each shape especially square, rectangle, triangle, circle.

Activity 2: Pupils to start to develop recognition of 3D shapes how are these different to 2D, use matching cards to develop knowledge. Have ago at completing 3D sorting game starting with cube and cylinder.

Activity 3: Go on a shape hunt at home how many 2D shapes can you find? Can you find any 3D?





Pupils to continue with activities from this week.


Additional activities to engage with:


Engage in fine motor activities or sensory based activities from previous weeks. Pupils can also try making some playdough and engage with the playdough challenge cards.


Writing:  Develop handwriting skills practise forming letters, writing words or a sentence. Practise writing name. If pupils are unable to write independently develop tracing skills.


Number: Pupils to develop number correspondence to 20 counting out set amount and stopping at correct number.


Pupils can also develop simple addition skills within 10 or 20 counting two amounts and adding them together. Develop skills of writing a number sentence.


  • Ofsted Outstanding
  • The Cedar Federation
  • Ifield Smile
  • KsENT
  • SEN Specialist Schools
  • International School Award
  • Kent County Council
  • Arts MArk
  • Healthy Schools
  • Sport England
  • iNet